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Rugged Coast - Ozette Triangle Loop Hike

Updated: Jul 15, 2019

Trail Details: This is a fantastic loop hike and great introduction to the wild Olympic coast. This trail can be done both as a long day hike or one night backpacking trip and can be enjoyed all year long, although prepare for cold, wet, and uncomfortable conditions in the winter. Be sure to book ahead if you want to camp in the summer.

This is a loop hike and your first decision is to make your way to Sand Point or Cape Alava. We have camped at both and would recommend Cape Alava, however, it is hard to go wrong as they are both unique spots with lots to explore.

This hike can then be broken into 3 sections, each roughly three miles in length. Regardless of which direction you choose, you will walk through roughly three miles of forest trail both ways with boardwalks over the marshy areas. At times it can become muddy, but nowhere near to the extent of other beach hikes (Shi Shi).

Once you break out to the beach, plan on spending a lot more time than expected. This beach is wild, full of interesting tide pools, and can be time consuming to cross because of the uneven terrain. There are two spots that you will have to choose between beach walking or going overland and a tide chart can help you with that decision. See if you can find the petroglyphs at wedding rocks and look closely as they can be hard to spot (and then tell us where they are because we have no idea). We have seen everything from crabs, sea stars, Eagles, cougar tracks and seen photos of bears on the beach here. This beach section lasts roughly 3 miles from Cape Alava (north) to Sand Point (south).

Why choose this Trail

  • This is the best loop hike on the Washington coast and open when the snow pack still blocks most of the highland trails

  • The coast is teeming with wildlife - it’s just up to you to find it

  • Relatively easy with a huge reward

Why go somewhere else

  • It is a long drive from almost everywhere

  • If you like sandy beaches this is not for you

  • It rains.....a lot


Photo Report

Start of the trail, you can fill up on water and use a surprisingly clean and modern bathroom. There is an expansive parking lot.

The inital three miles is through a dense coastal forest. It is beautiful but can feel long at times

Our first view of Sand Point Beach

Searching for a campsite at Sand Point. It felt like a juungle at times.

Campsites were plentiful, some with amazing ocean views

Found the privy

Views from the large rock at the end of Sand Point. Great place for a sunset.

Getti[ng ready in the moring

Tide pools everywhere

These signs mark the overland routes for high tide. {Pretty steep a[t times and ropes were available to help

Can you find the angry crab?

Our favorite rock formation

Our end point near Cape Alava

The forest on the way back felt a lot longer


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