Wandering Washingtonian

Wandering Washingtonian
"Time spent amongst trees is never wasted time"
- Katrina Mayer
Hello there! We're Kyle, Tressa, and Oakley... just a few wandering Washingtonians!
We love everything about the PNW - the evergreens, ragged peaks, alpine meadows, remote ocean shores... you name it! When we aren't working, you can find us exploring the nooks, crannies, and trails this region has to offer as well as beyond.
Almost every weekend we head out for an adventure. We want to share with you the amazing experiences that are out there waiting for you!
We hope this blog will foster your own sense of adventure as well as intensify your desire to spend more time in nature.
Just remember to leave not trace and...
Take nothing but photos,
Leave nothing but footprints,
Kill nothing but time!